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Large Cap Funds Mutual funds, whose managers are focusing on companies with the biggest market capitalisation (over USD 5 billion).
Legal Risk The risk of loss in the event of legal unenforceability of a contract.
Leverage In most fixed-term transactions it is not necessary to deposit the total value of the underlying asset, but only a certain fraction (initial margin). A relatively small percentage change of the price of the underlying asset causes several times higher percentage change of the price of the particular derivative and thus of the investment made in the fixed-term transaction at its conclusion. With a relatively low initial investment, the investor can achieve substantial profit or even loss, the amount of which is determined by the type of the fixed-term contract (e.g. options or futures).
Limit (Order) Determination of the maximum purchase or minimum selling price by the buyer or seller (especially for stock exchange orders).
Liquidity The possibility of turning assets into cash. The higher the liquidity, the quicker you can turn the investment into cash.
Liquidity Risk The risk of loss in case of low market liquidity. It is impossible to sell or buy the investment instrument at the selected moment in time, or the transaction can be implemented at the given moment in time only at a disadvantageous price (the purchase/sale spread is large).
Listing Publication of the actual buying and selling prices of an investment instrument. The listing shows the highest currently offered price for purchase (bid) and the lowest currently offered price for sale (offer).
Long Position The position of the investor (buyer), who believes that the value of the underlying asset will grow and, therefore, he has bought it.
Lot (Lot) The minimum marketable amount of securities (other investment instruments) used in trading in a particular market (used, for example, at the Prague Stock Exchange in the SPAD segment).


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