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Rating Evaluation of the issuer’s ability to timely and fully pay the interest and the redemption instalments of the capital of the securities issued by the issuer.
Rating Agencies The services of rating agencies consist in analyses of businesses and information about their creditworthiness.
Real Estate Company A limited liability company or a joint-stock company or a similar legal entity, whose line of business is primarily property procurement, property operation and transfer of ownership title to property against payment.
Real Estate Fund A special fund under the Collective Investment Act, which gathers money from the public/shareholders and invests it in accordance with its investment strategy in quality real estate or real estate companies.
Real Interest Rate The difference between interest income on the money or capital market and the current rate of inflation.
Registered Security A security registered by the name of a certain natural or legal person. The securities issuer maintains a list of owners for the company to know its shareholders.
Registered Security A security accepted for trading on the stock exchange or in the RM-System.
Repo (Repurchase Transaction) Provision of securities in turn for cash with the simultaneous obligation to accept such securities at a specified date for an amount equal to the original amount of cash and interest (classic repo, sell-and-buy-back provision of a loan of securities secured by cash).
Residual Maturity Residual maturity is the time remaining until maturity or, as the case may be, until the settlement of a claim.
Return on Capital The ratio of the achieved profit and the invested capital. It shows how well the capital is used.


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