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TER (Total Expense Ratio) The indicator of the mutual fund’s total expense ratio (TER) equals the ratio of the mutual fund’s total operating expenses to the average monthly value of the mutual fund’s equity capital for the previous accounting period. Hence, TER shows how the property in the mutual fund is burdened by all costs, not just the management fee. In funds investing more than 10% of their assets in other funds, also the synthetic TER must be indicated. Synthetic TER equals the sum of the mutual fund’s TER and the TER of each purchased fund in proportion to the investment share in the total mutual fund assets, where the entry and exit fees are added to the TER of the purchased fund.
Term Deposit A bank deposit product that has a set length of maturity. It usually cannot be withdrawn before maturity without penalty fees.
Terminology Risk Various terms are interpreted differently on the financial market and in some cases it may not be entirely clear which investment instrument is concerned.
Trading Fast purchase and sale of securities with the aim of taking advantage of short-term exchange rate fluctuations.
Treasury Bill A short-term debt security with maturity of up to one year.


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