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Měnový prémiový vklad v CZK 07/2024

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Premium deposits FX
Česká spořitelna, a.s.
Euro / CZK (ČNB)
2,75% p.a.
2,75% p.a.
4,25% p.a.
0 až -0.20 CZK

CZ FlyerPDF Download
CZ Report MPV in USDPDF Download
CZ Report MPV in CZKPDF Download
CZ Report MPV in EURPDF Download

The information on the locked yield of products (in % p.a.) is only informative and is not binding for actual payment. The final yield value that is to be paid for the full product duration will be calculated shortly before its maturity. The previous performance will not guarantee the future performance.
Source: FactSet
  • 100% return of the deposited funds and a definite minimum yield regardless of the market development of the dynamic underlying asset.
  • Daily locking of the yield. You can no longer lose the achieved yield.
  • Premium deposits and their yields are subject to insurance and tax just as classic term deposits. 
  • Setting up and managing the deposit is free.
    Please note that the target market of this investment instrument is listed below. If you do not meet any of the listed parameters, you may be outside the specified target market!
    The target market defines the set of investors (retail clients) for whom the investment product is intended.
    This investment product  is intended for investors who:
  • seek investment profit
  • are able to accept a level of risk that is in accordance with the risk indicator of the product specified in General attributes.
  • are interested in holding the product until the maturity specified in General attributes
  • The client's compatibility with the product's target market will be evaluated during the purchase process.
  • -----------------------------------------
  • Inflation risk. Investors should be aware that the fair value of an investment, including any yield may fall in connection with how inflation reduces the value of the product’s currency. 
  • Currency premium deposits can be terminated prematurely at any time at Česká spořitelna branches. In this case, we guarantee the return 100% of its nominal value, but due to additional costs, a price of 2% from the withdrawn amount is charged.

  • To set up a currency premium deposit an asset account of financial instruments at Česká spořitelna is required as well as a cash account at Česká spořitelna maintained in the relevant currency.
  • Setting up an asset account is free, and can be set up at any branch of Česká spořitelna based on the conclusion of the Investment Services Agreement. 
  • The investor needs a valid identity card, a legal entity proof of legal subjectivity.
  • Currency premium deposits can be prematurely cancelled at ČS branches. However, in this case there is a 2% charge from the withdrawn amount due to additional bank costs.
Who can buy?

  • A citizen of the Czech Republic or foreign national over the age of 18 (in case of a minor his/her legal representative).
  • A legal entity, natural person-entrepreneur.
  • Other entities established under the laws of the Czech Republic, (foundations, movements, political parties).

Premium deposits FX |

The currency premium deposit offers the opportunity of profiting from the development of the dynamic underlying asset – the CZK/EUR exchange rate – without the risk of loss of invested money. The money bears interest every day using the basic or premium rate depending on the development of the underlying exchange rate and the total annual yield is the sum total of all daily yields. Statutory deposit insurance applies to currency premium deposits.
The yield depends on the development of the CZK/EUR exchange rate announced for each day by the CNB. 
The deposit bears daily interest by a basic (lower) or premium (higher) interest rate. 
Interest bearing by the basic or premium rate depends on whether the observed rate is outside or within the decisive band. This is determined for each individual month as a deviation in hellers from the fixed CZK/EUR exchange rate of the last working day in the given month and applies to the following month. If the rate is not announced by the CNB on the given day, the last known announced rate will be used to determine the band.
The premium (higher) interest rate is used in case that the CZK/EUR exchange rate announced by the CNB for the given day will be within the fixed decisive band, including the extreme values.
The basic (lower) interest rate is used in case that the CZK/EUR exchange rate announced by the CNB for the given day will be outside the set decisive band. 

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Scale: ABS REL         Underlying

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Information about previous performance does not guarantee future performance.
Source: FactSet


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