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14.02.2025enNBR Holds Key Rate at 6.50%Erste Group Research
14.02.2025enGDP increased 1.5% y/y in 4Q24, wrapping up FY24 growth at 1.6%Erste Group Research
14.02.2025enInflation jumped in JanuaryErste Group Research
14.02.2025enMuddling throughErste Group Research
14.02.2025enJanuary CPI goes down to 5.0% y/y, supported by base effectErste Group Research
14.02.2025enDomestic demand driving economy in 4Q24Erste Group Research
13.02.2025enNBS holds steady for fifth consecutive monthErste Group Research
13.02.2025enA strong fourth quarter in PolandErste Group Research
13.02.2025enIndustrial output down 1.5% in 2024 Erste Group Research
12.02.2025enNBR Preview: ‘on hold’ for longerErste Group Research
11.02.2025enUnpleasant inflation surprise in JanuaryErste Group Research
10.02.2025deTrump kündigt neue Zölle anErste Group Research
07.02.2025enIn December, Foreign Trade in Deficit for the First Time in 2024Erste Group Research
06.02.2025enRate trajectory likely above current CNB forecastErste Group Research
06.02.2025enCNB decision in line with expectationsErste Group Research
06.02.2025enIndustrial production could see modest growth this yearErste Group Research
06.02.2025enInflation affected by food pricesErste Group Research
06.02.2025enWeak year-end performance of industryErste Group Research
06.02.2025enRetail Sales Show Double-Digit Growth in DecemberErste Group Research
06.02.2025enPolitical turmoil dampened consumer spendingErste Group Research


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