Please note that the target market of this investment instrument is listed below. If you do not meet any of the listed parameters, you may be outside the specified target market!
The target market defines the set of investors (retail clients) for whom the investment product is intended.
This investment product is intended for investors who:
seek investment profit
are able to accept a level of risk that is in accordance with the risk indicator of the product specified in General attributes.
are interested in holding the product until the maturity specified in General attributes The client's compatibility with the product's target market will be evaluated during the purchase process.
Inflation risk. Investors should be aware that the fair value of an investment, including any yield may fall in connection with how inflation reduces the value of the product’s currency.
Currency premium deposits can be terminated prematurely at any time at Česká spořitelna branches. In this case, we guarantee the return 100% of its nominal value, but due to additional costs, a price of 2% from the withdrawn amount is charged. The interest is not paid for the sales period. The calculation of the interest is due from the first calendar day of the month following the Last Trading Day. On the issue date, the premium deposit will be paid from the client's selected current account. Prior to this, Česká spořitelna will make a reservation on this account.