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Prémiový dluhový cenný papír U.S. BANKS AUTOCALL 2


Date: 2024/10/21 00:00:00
Bid Ask
99.62 -
Difference 0.00% (0.00)

General attributes

Type of bondStructured bonds and notes
Bond stylesenior
Issuer typefinancial institution
Country of issueCZ
Current coupon-
Coupon stylevariable
Coupon payment date-
Coupon payment periodat maturity
Value date2024/07/15
Repayment value0.00
Nominal value50,000
Accrued Interest-
Yield to maturity p.a. (before capital gains tax)-
Investor tolerance6 (scale 1-7)
Last trading day2027/07/15

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The chart is composed of values which are the arithmetic average values of bid / ask (MID) from previous working day. Performances under 12 month have only little informative value. Information about previous performance does not guarantee future performance.
Source: Česká spořitelna, a. s.
Advantages Details you should be aware of
What does PDCP U.S. BANKS AUTOCALL 2 offer?
  • Option to obtain an attractive yield of up to 21% in 3 years. 
  • PDCP U.S. BANKS AUTOCALL 2 can be automatically repaid early with payout of an interesting yield of 7% (see Note) already after the first year or the following year, if at the date of observation the individual underlying shares are at or above the valid early repayment barrier. The resulting yield may then reach 7% (see Note) for each year that elapsed since the issue date.  
  • Interesting barrier level of 55% of the initial value (see Note 2) of the individual underlying shares for  payout of the yield and the nominal value of PDCP U.S. BANKS AUTOCALL 2 at the date of its maturity.   
  • Additional protection mechanism for payout of the nominal value of PDCP U.S. BANKS AUTOCALL 2 at the date of its maturity.  
  • Barrier for automatic early repayment is decreasing over in time: 90% (after a year), 80% (after two years). 
  • PDCP U.S. BANKS AUTOCALL 2 is issued in Czech crowns, the investor does not bear any currency risk.  

  • Electronic version of the Base Prospectus is published on the Issuer´s website https://www.goldmansachs.com/ or on www.investicnicentrum.cz/prospekty.
  • Key Information Document is published on the website https://www.gspriips.eu/ or you may find it on the Investment Portal www.investicnicentrum.cz
Please note that the target market of this investment instrument is listed below. If you do not meet any of the listed parameters, you may be outside the specified target market!
The target market defines the set of investors (retail clients) for whom the investment product is intended.
This investment product  is intended for investors who:
  • have sufficient knowledge and/or experience regarding structured products and shares.
  • seek investment profit
  • are able to accept a level of risk that is in accordance with the risk indicator of the product specified in General attributes.
  • In the event of an unfavorable development of the investment, they are able to bear the possible loss, which is ilustrated by performance scenarios, see Key Information Document (KID).
  • are interested in holding the product until the maturity specified in General attributes.
This investment product is not intended for investors (negative product target market), who:
  • do not have sufficient knowledge regarding structured investment instruments and shares
  • are unable to bear the loss of invested funds indicated in the Key Information Document (KID) in the event of an unfavorable development of the investment
The client's compatibility with the product's target market will be evaluated during the purchase process.
  • PDCP U.S. BANKS AUTOCALL 2 does not guarantee a return on the invested amount and the investor could lose the whole investment or part of it. 
  • 100% return of the nominal value of PDCP U.S. BANKS AUTOCALL 2 at the maturity date is not guaranteed because it depends on market rate development of the underlying shares – Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase & Co and Wells Fargo & Co.
  • The holder of PDCP U.S. BANKS AUTOCALL 2 bears the credit risk of the issuer and guarantor.
  • The holder of PDCP U.S. BANKS AUTOCALL 2 is not entitled to be paid out dividends from the underlying shares. 
    More information you will find in the leaflet.


    PDCP U.S. BANKS AUTOCALL 2 with the option of an automatic early repayment makes it possible to gain an attractive annual yield of 7% (see Note). The total yield for its three-year duration may then reach up to 21%.

    The payout of the yield and nominal value of PDCP U.S. BANKS AUTOCALL 2 is subject to the price development of shares of three significant banking companies: Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase & Co and Wells Fargo & Co. These worldwide operating banks belong to the group of American financial giants. In addition, PDCP U.S. BANKS AUTOCALL 2 makes its early repayment possible in case of growth or limited fall of the underlying assets already after the first year of its duration.  

    • Issuer: Goldman, Sachs & Co. Wertpapier GmbH
    • Underlying: Bank of America Corp., JPMorgan Chase & Co, Wells Fargo & Co
    • Subscription period: 11. 6. 2024 (9:00) – 8. 7. 2024 (23:59)

    More information you will find in the leaflet.

    Payment notes

    How does PDCP U.S. BANKS AUTOCALL 2 work?
    • The payout of the yield and nominal value of PDCP U.S. BANKS AUTOCALL 2 depends on the market rate development of shares of companies such as Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase & Co and Wells Fargo & Co.
    • For the duration of PDCP U.S. BANKS AUTOCALL 2 it can be automatically repaid early once a year, if at the observation date the value of each individual underlying share will be equal or higher than the comparable value of the underlying share at the relevant observation date.  
    • If the automatic early repayment condition is not met, PDCP U.S. BANKS AUTOCALL 2 continues to the next possible repayment date.
    • If PDCP U.S. BANKS AUTOCALL 2 4 is automatically repaid early, the investor will receive its nominal value and yield of 7% for each year that elapsed since the issue date. Early repayment voids the claim to later annual yields.
    • If there is no automatic early repayment made and at the date of fixing the closing value of individual underlying shares the price of any of them does not fall below 55% of its initial value, the nominal value of PDCP U.S. BANKS AUTOCALL 2 and the total yield of 21% (equivalent of three annual yields in the amount of 7% (see Note)) will be paid out at the maturity date.
    • If there is no automatic early repayment and at the date of fixing the closing value of individual underlying shares  the price of at least one underlying share falls below the barrier of 55% of its initial value, and at the same time the closing value of any of the remaining shares will not be equal or higher than 100% of its initial value, the payout of the nominal value PDCP U.S. BANKS AUTOCALL 2 at the maturity date will be reduced by the loss of the worst of the three shares since the date of fixing its initial value until the date of fixing its closing value. The investor will lose more than 45% of his investment and no yield is paid out to him.
    More information you will find in the leaflet.


    • Maturity shall be 22.07.2027
    • Česká spořitelna pays out the yield and the nominal value 
    • It takes two working days to settle the buying and selling of the Premium Bond

    Secondary market

    • Minimum purchased amount: 1 piece
    • Price for early redemption: according to the current Price List (balance at the bond issue date: 2% of the transaction volume)
    • Selling price: 100%, no fee
    • Liquidity: daily according to current market prices, indications in the Česká spořitelna, a. s. Exchange Rate List


    Note 1: PDCP U.S. BANKS AUTOCALL 2 pays out any potential yields in a lump sum at its early or regular maturity date, the consolidated interest is not claimed. 
    Note 2: The initial value shall be calculated by the provider based on the closing prices of the underlying assets on 8 July 2024. 
    Note 3: On a scale from 1 to 7, from potentially lower risk and yield 1 to potentially higher risk and yield 7, provided that you keep PDCP U.S. BANKS AUTOCALL 2 until the maturity date. The real risk may differ substantially if you sell early. The risk-weight of the product is a guide for comparing the rate of risk of PDCP U.S. BANKS AUTOCALL 2 in comparison with other products. It shows how likely it is that you will lose money as a result of market fluctuations or because the issuer will not be able to pay out the money.
    Note 4: You will find the accurate expression of product costs in the Subscription Instruction of PDCP U.S. BANKS AUTOCALL 2.


    Počátky této přední světové finanční instituce sahají do roku 1874, kdy byla v Serverní Karolíně založena Commercial National Bank obyvateli města Charlotte. V tomto městě sídlí banka dodnes a současné označení používá od roku 1998. Podle tržní kapitalizace je druhou největší bankou v USA. Bank of America patří mezi „velkou čtyřku“ amerických bankovních institucí (vedle JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo a Citibank). Jádro její činnosti se zaměřuje na komerční bankovnictví, správu
    majetku a investiční bankovnictví. Nabízí pestrou škálu produktů a služeb jako například běžné účty, stavební spoření, hypotéky, investiční produkty atd. Prostřednictvím 212 tisíc zaměstnanců pokrývá především hlavní trhy USA. 
    JP Morgan Chase & Co.
    Jedna z nejstarších finančních institucí ve Spojených státech, jejíž kořeny sahají až do roku 1799. Společnost JP Morgan Chase sídlí v New Yorku a podle tržní kapitali zace je největší bankou v USA a spolu s Bank of America také stabilní součástí desítky největších bank na světě. Své zastoupení má po celém světě a je aktivní ve více než 100 zemích, ve kterých zaměstnává přes 300 tisíc lidí. Finanční služby poskytuje jak drobné klientele, tak malým a středním podnikům, významným světovým korporacím, institucionálním klientům. Bankovní holding zaujímá vedoucí postavení v oblasti investičního bankovnictví, privátního bankovnictví, korporátního bankovnictví, cenných papírů, zpracování finančních transakcí a správy aktiv. 
    Je jedna z předních světových bankovních institucí sídlící v San Franciscu, USA. Tato společnost byla založena během zlaté horečky v roce 1852. V současnosti je jednou z nejstarších bank na západě USA. Nabízí širokou škálu finančních produktů a služeb. Její rozsáhlé portfolio obsahuje např. běžné účty, kreditní karty, spotřebitelské úvěry, hypotéky, pojišťovací služby nebo leasing. Vedle typicky retailových služeb se tato banka profiluje také v privátním a korporátním bankovnictví nebo finančním plánování. Wells Fargo & Co zaměstnává přes 225 tisíc lidí po celém světě.


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